
poetry - n. 1: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rythmn 2 a: a quality that stirs the imagination b: a quality of spontaneity and grace

Name: dthaase

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I looked down Cross Street—
Noticed the trees like pews:
All in a row wearing velvet hues of fall;
Inviting me to sit on the sanctuary of grass,
Below the tabernacled sky.
A chorus of geese in the choir loft.
Wind in the pulpit—
Whose rhetoric is an invitation
To look here, look there—
See what I have done, see what I am doing.
The vestry are each a giant spruce—bowing.
The great white oak is alive with joy
As he gives the reading for the day.
And the peace—
Ushered down the isle by the sun itself.


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