
poetry - n. 1: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rythmn 2 a: a quality that stirs the imagination b: a quality of spontaneity and grace

Name: dthaase

Monday, June 25, 2007

A Kingdom Within

In the reckless mind of man,
Housed in anger sits –
A deceitful King of Cowardice,
Whose kingdom knows no bliss.

Raising scepter and with serpent tongue,
He claims another life –
As the kitchen’s carving knife
Is sharpened for a feast of strife.

A betrothal to Queen Fearfulness;
Impatience as their heir –
Gathers lords and ladies in the Hall of Despair;
Once inside the royal court they hear the King declare:

“Lord Vanity’s given counsel
That our boredom be put away
So an edict on this day:
Come celebrate and play.

Why should we toil in the fields?
Or guard our harbors and our walls?
We have no need to fear a brawl…”
And there his words were cut short with a sudden squall –

The King he hides, the Queen she frets,
The Prince’s impulse flies –
The castle of the heart is breached with enemy surprise –
And as at waking, light pours in upon the King’s demise.


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