poetry - n. 1: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rythmn 2 a: a quality that stirs the imagination b: a quality of spontaneity and grace
Poetry On The Web
- poetry daily
- verse daily
- american life in poetry
- poetry 180
- the writer's almanac
- poetry international
- academy of amer. poets
- poetry society of america
- poetry center of chicago
- favorite poem project
- electronic poetry center
- library of congress/poetry
Poetry On The Shelf
anthologies, etc.- Bartlett's Poems for Occasions, ed. Geoffrey O'Brien
- Good Poems for Hard Times, ed. Garrison Keillor
- One Hundred and One Famous Poems, ed. Roy J. Cook
- A Child's Anthology of Poetry, ed. Sword & McCarthy
- American Religious Poems, ed. Harold Bloom
- Sacrifice of Praise, ed. James H. Trott
- Praying the Gospels Through Poetry: Lent to Easter, Peggy Rosenthal
- Love's Immensity: Mystics on the Endless Life, Scott Cairns
- The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
- The Poetry of Robert Frost
- Delights & Shadows, Ted Kooser
- New & Collected Poems (1931-2001), Czeslaw Milosz
- Collected Poems (1943-2004), Richard Wilbur
Poetry Help Links
Poetry Journals/Magazines
Haase Photos & Web
family camp 2006- spring break 2006
- benjamin's 4th b-day
- christopher's 6th b-day
- family picture 05
- july 4th 2005
- family picture 04
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- ben's 3rd b-day
- thanksgiving 2004
- halloween 2004
- fall in kzoo 10-22-04
- fall apple pick'n 9-25-04
- a day in chicago 9-11-04
- christopher's 5th b-day
- christopher 9-04
- benjamin 9-04
Spike Stories
Wheaton Christian Formation Network
- a few haiku...
- Two by my children...
- The Eternal Now
- Suspicion
- It starts as a gas Next forms into a liquid Then s...
- A Wonder
- The Fog
- Biker Man
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Thursday, July 30, 2009