
poetry - n. 1: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rythmn 2 a: a quality that stirs the imagination b: a quality of spontaneity and grace

Name: dthaase

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Kelly Cherry Wrote A Poem Entitled "Reading, Dreaming, Hiding"

She was reading. I was dreaming
The poetic lines. The mind was hiding
In the words and time was swinging
Within a stanza, continually considering gravity.

Time was dreaming in the words. She
Was continually considering gravity. The mind was swinging
Within a stanza, the poetic lines.
I was reading and hiding.

The mind was continually considering gravity and time
Was swinging in the words and within a stanza.
The poetic lines were continually considering gravity, dreaming
In the mind and words. I was reading her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your poem is lovely and smart. I feel honored that you wrote it. Thanks!

Kelly Cherry

10:15 AM  

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