
Friday, January 11, 2008
Walking Alongside Youth Leaders

For years, together with the rest of the leadership of Roots training ministry for youth leaders, we have dreamed of reuniting key leaders in the movement. This dream has been made a reality in large part through the support of the Latin American campus of Torchbearers (located in San Jose, Costa Rica) which has provided free room and board for the 25 participants from 12 different countries who have gathered for 10 days of refreshment, learning and mentoring.

Each of the participants was hand-picked for their strategic involvement in youth ministry and training youth leaders in their country or region. And as we near the end of our time together each one has expressed deep gratitude for what they’ve experienced. Most of them were absolutely spent at the end of a long year and needed rest and a fresh infusion of vision for a strong start for the new year. One of the girls even told me that she had had been thinking that she needed glasses because she was frequently dizzy but after a few days here she realized that she was just exhausted.
A real treat for us has been spending time with Veronica, the youth leader from our church in Mexico, who we haven’t seen for two years. She’s been having a rough time lately…the pastor who had been a great support to her ministry left the church last fall and the new leadership does not value her or her approach to youth ministry. So we’re very grateful for the chance to accompany her for a few more steps of life’s path.


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