
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
We Have Triplets

(just an illustration, not actually the triplets)

We have two new nephews and one new niece.
Annette's sister Bethel Ann and her husband, George Randall, doubled the size of their family by giving birth to triplets. Now they have four children under the age of three (their first child still has a few days before his 3rd birthday).

(click here for big version)

Two are boys and one is a girl, and even though they were born a month early, none needed supplemental oxygen. Click here for the announcement letter which includes all those pertinent baby details like name, weight, length, favorite 19th century author.

Thursday, September 22, 2005
48 Hours of Susie

(click for big version)

One of our very best friends, Susan (Rogers) Davis, came to visit for 48 hrs. We mostly just hung out talking, eating and laughing.

Kudos to her husband, Hill, for a) suggesting that Susan come to Mexico to visit us and b) taking care of their two boys while she was with us. If you can believe there are people this nice, the motivation for Susan's trip was to carry a huge bag full of our household stuff back to the U.S. Since we leave Mexico next February, it's got to get back somehow.

Thank you so much Susan and Hill :-)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

If you're interested, click here to read our latest newsletter. If you just want the Cliff Notes version, here goes: after 10 years in Mexico, we're done with the goals that were set before us and, together with our organization, are looking for what is next.

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