
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
We Have Triplets

(just an illustration, not actually the triplets)

We have two new nephews and one new niece.
Annette's sister Bethel Ann and her husband, George Randall, doubled the size of their family by giving birth to triplets. Now they have four children under the age of three (their first child still has a few days before his 3rd birthday).

(click here for big version)

Two are boys and one is a girl, and even though they were born a month early, none needed supplemental oxygen. Click here for the announcement letter which includes all those pertinent baby details like name, weight, length, favorite 19th century author.


At 12:48 PM, Blogger timsamoff said...

Nice. :)

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Scott&Mx said...

Oh my goodness! Much joy and little sleep to them!


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